Saturday, March 29, 2008


While on some level, I find these kind of statements encouraging...

“I want to vote for Hillary Clinton, don’t get me wrong,” said Andrew,
a former chairman of the national Democratic Party. “My commitment to
her is profound, but I would be troubled if either she or Barack Obama
actually became the nominee because superdelegates decided, opposed to
actual voters going to the polls and pulling the lever.” Link

I have to say, it's a bit insulting that some fatcat out there has the power to decide weather or not voters should decide who gets the nomination. Isn't there something fundimentally undemocratic about 700 or so people who's preference counts for tens of thousands of regular voters each?

I'm talking, of course, about the "Super-Delegates": People who have been elected to national office or party leadership and who apparently have more authority to pick the Democratic canditate than you or I. Should some guy I never voted for who was elected in Idaho have 5000% more power than I do in picking who might be my next president?

Should I keep on asking silly leading questions?

This "dilemma" wracking the Democratic party is a problem of their own making. But I suppose if your party believes people can't be trusted to spend their own money, it follows that they probably can't be trusted to choose their representatives either.

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